Athletic Therapy Ontario® is an OATA Registered Trade Name

Safe Sport Jessica Dalliday Award
The OATA commitment to Safe Sport dates back to 2021, advanced by its 2022 Safe Sport Summit and the mandatory requirement for ATs to renew for their 2023 membership with a completed Safe Sport training certificate. Nominations for the 2023 Award are being announced in conjunction with Mother’s Day, again in honour of Jessica and her remaining family, daughter Rachel and husband Mike. Mike Dalliday has agreed to serve in promoting the Award and will serve on the Safe Sport Award Nominations Working Group and the nominations selection committee reviewing the annual nominations.
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Safe Sport
Athletic Therapists are sport medicine practitioners with a clear role to play as Safe Sport ambassadors in meeting Ontario's goals to ensure safe environments for all engaged in sports.
The OATA announced in 2021, in advance of registration renewal for 2022, its alliance with Coaches Ontario on Safe Sport. ATs would accept a role as Safe Sport Ambassadors. The OATA delivered a Safe Sport Summit in November, 2022 with the key players advancing Safe Sport within sports medicine in Ontario. The Ontario Minister of Tourism, Sport and Culture, Neil Lumsden provided a recorded message congratulating ATs for their commitment to advancing the goals and practices of Safe Sport. Members heard from the lead advocates for CASEM, the national and Ontario Coaching Associations and Allison Forsyth, former Olympic Athlete and one of the most compelling advocates in the Safe Sport movement. The CKO provided insights to how sexual misconduct is defined under the RHPA and how Safe Sport is linked to professional and ethical practice.
As Athletic Therapists, we know maltreatment can harm athletes and other sport participants in many ways: physically, emotionally and mentally. Safe Sport training that aligns with the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport helps organizations, therapists, coaches and others create sporting environments that are safe for everyone.
Together We Can Make Sport Safe For Everyone
The Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport calls for all sporting environments to be free from physical,
sexual and psychological abuse.

Allison Forsyth, Partner | COO | ITP SPORT Passionate. Purposeful. Proactive. Allison embodies these three words each day and in every Safe Sport interaction. Driving her is her passion for changing the system and shifting a culture motivated by her own sexual abuse victimization in the Canadian sport system. Safe Sport is her purpose.
Safe Sport Advocacy Top Priority in Canada
Allison Forsyth is a well-recognized consultant to sporting organizations. The federal Minister of Sport shares why Safe Sport advocacy is critical now, particularly thanks to whistleblowers such as Allison Forsyth.
OATA was thrilled to have one of the most recognized voices in Safe Sport attend as the Summit's Keynote Speaker. Allison has copyright over her presentation so we cannot provide a video clip of her remarkable presentation. We can share, however, the media interviews she has given on Safe Sport.

Dr. Carla Edwards, MSc, MD, FRCP(C) | Assistant Clinical Professor, McMaster University Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neuroscience, Sports Psychiatrist- Hamilton Tiger Cats Football, High Performance Mental Health Advisor: Swimming Canada, Cycling Canada, and President- International Society for Sport Psychiatry.

Lorraine Lafrenière | As CEO of the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC), Lorraine Lafrenière leads Canada’s Coaching Education Partnership through the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) and safe sport initiatives through the profession of coaching and the Responsible Coaching Movement.

Eric McLoughlin | Senior Lead of Events & Partner Development at the Coaches Association of Ontario (CAO). He is co-creator and manager of the CAO’s Safe Sport 101 resource & information hub. Created in 2020 in partnership with Hydro One Inc, this free ‘one-stop shop’ gives sport leaders the tools they need to make sport safe, inclusive and fun for all. From downloadable resources, quizzes and eLearning, Safe Sport 101 teaches how to safeguard athlete physical, mental and emotional health

Brian Fehst is the Manager, Professional Practice at the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario, and is a Registered Kinesiologist.
The Professional Practice portfolio includes oversight of the College’s Quality Assurance program, responding to practice inquiries and supporting the creation and development of College Policies and other materials.