Athletic Therapy Ontario® is an OATA Registered Trade Name

Athletic Therapy Ontario joins all in the 100 day countdown to the 2024 Paris Olympics with a salute to the athletes ready to participate in 22 sports along with their coaches and Athletic Therapists. Congrats too to Team Canada's fashion statement thanks to Lululemon gear!!

June is Athletic Therapy Month

Athletic Therapy Ontario is the professional association for AT leaders in this province. The OATA represents the profession to the public, governments, third party insurers and other stakeholders. As an active Certified or Associate Member with the OATA. Members have access to valuable educational programs and services, discounted malpractice insurance, discounted preferred suppliers and professional development programs with expert thought leaders to maximize Members' business acumen and professional practice competencies. Our Athletic Therapists (ATs) are committed to advancing the profession as leaders in sport therapy.
The New E-learning Platform

Dedicated Learners the new e-learning platform offering courses to meet Athletic Therapists' CEUs needs. The platform offers six learning streams that will provide knowledge to enhance your practice.